Nova Scotia/Cuba Summit

Start Time
End Time
NSCC Waterfront Campus

Nova Scotia/Cuba Summit

Prestented by NSCC, NSCuba, Los Primos Project and NSCC Foundation

Open Session on Tuesday from 2:00 to 5:00 (Free)

At the Waterfront Campus, Dartmouth


Partnerships in International Learning

Cuba’s Evolving Economy and the Emergence of the Entrepreneur Class



From Cuba:

•  Julio Garmendia - Cuban Ambassador to Canada

•  Reynaldo Velásquez - President of Holguin University

•  Alexis Triana - President of “Romerías de Mayo” International Youth Arts Festival - 

•  Augusto Enríquez - International Artist and Cultural Advisor

•  Klarol Garcia - International Coordinator for “Romerías de Mayo”


From Halifax:

•  Ron Robichaud – NSCC Business Facutly

•  Luella Chiasson – NSCC Business Faculty (ENACTUS)

•  Isaac Saney - NSCuba/Dalhousie/Author

•   Stephen Kimber - NSCuba/Kings College/Author


Performances from:

NSCC Song Writing Group – Tragic Minds

Halifax Salseros – Dance Presentation and Dance Lessons


To make sure we have room for you, please RSVP before March 4. 

Click here to RSVP , write your name in the email, hit send!