Holguin 2015 - 70 Years of Canada Cuba Relations

Submitted byJeff Goodspeed onSun, 3 May 2015 - 8:08 pm

Los Primos Project and the Nova Scotia Community College partnered to take 70 people to Cuba and take part in the Romerías de Mayo International Youth Arts Festival. 27 students from the NSCC Music Arts program made the trip. Music Arts students at the Airport

70 people, with 70 instruments, went to Cuba to celebrate 70 years of Canada/Cuba official diplomatic relations. A very important anniversary for the Cuban people and they value the friendship that Canada has given to Cuba. 70 people with flags

It began, May 3rd at 9:00AM with 70 people in the Romerias de Mayo parade. When the Los Primos and NSCC musicians hit the stage to the sounds of the NSCC Latin R&B band being pumped through the PA, the crowd went crazy for the 70 Canada Maple Leaf Beach Balls that went sailing into the air. 70 people in the parade

May 4, was the day that the Romerias de Mayo International Youth Arts Festival gave to us for a special concert to celebrate this long standing friendship between our two nations. This "Dia Canada" concert feature 3 NSCC bands, 2 Los Primos Satellite bands, a band from the Holguin School of Music and at the end almost all the musicians were on the stage. NSCC band on stage