Annual St James Fundraiser

Start Time
End Time
St James Church, 181 Portland St, Dartmouth

For the third year in a row the St. James Church mid summer concert will happen in downtown Dartmouth. The Rendezvous Quartet will fill this historic church with acoustic music from Cuba, Brazil, Italy and beyond. Augusto-Pedro and Alison Enriquez will have a treat for the classical music lovers. Augusto Enriquez will raise the roof another couple of inches with power of his voice a cappella! Jeff Goodspeed will bring a trio of horns to the mix and Alison will blend it together with her unique harmonies and lead vocals. 

Los Primos will be starting a number of new initiatives this year and your support will help us get the ball rolling. The "Nova Scotia Youth Jazz Ensemble",  the "Centro Sinfonica Infantil" in Old Havana and a new program called "Los Primos Connections" will all benefit from your contributions to this fund raiser. Tickets are $20 available at the door or on Eventbrite. Student tickets $10, available at the door only. 

 click here for tickets

Join the Rendezvous Quartet for a mid-summer's dream at the St James Church. 

st james

Centro Sinfónico Infantil - Help us get them some violins, violas and a cello

A program for inner-city kids in Old Havana, the Centro Sinfónico Infantil has been started by volunteer teachers in an restored "Heritage Building" in the old city to give kids from this often forgotten busy part of Havana the chance to learn an instrument. 


