Win a Trip for 4 to Cuba - Raffle

Start Time
End Time
Olympic Hall Community Centre

And the winner is!!!!!

Melanie MacLean from Bedford. Winning ticket sold by Miya Fentin from Highland Park Junior High

Los Primos Annual Fundraising Raffle
Music students all over the province are selling tickets on a chance to win "A Trip for 4 to Cuba". 
HotelThe winning ticket was drawn at the Annual Dance for All Ages at the Olympic Hall Commuity Centre on Mar 3, 2018. 

Also Long and McQuade Gift Certificates were awarded to the following students... 

$750   Ben Shellnut – Ellenvale Jr High

$500   Reese Richards – NNEC Band

$300   Chloe Stewart – NNEC Band

$200   Em Lewis – West Kings High School Band

Proceeds from the raffle will go to supporting music education in Nova Scotia and Cuba. Over $550,000 has been raised for music education in Nova Scotia and over 700 musical instruments have been delivered to Cuba.