Jeff tours music schools all over Cuba

Submitted byEric Cestnick onTue, 23 Mar 1999 - 9:13 am

With help from the Nova Scotia Arts Council, Jeff tours Cuba with Silvio Pupo from Holguin. Silvio moved to Nova Scotia in 1997. They started in Holguin and visited music school all over the island. In the Holguin School of Music they presented a few instruments and were treated to a concert featuring and all girl band and a salsa band. Girls in Holguin

Holguin Salsa

 Presenting a clarinet donated by Long & McQuade Toronto. Clarinet Donation

They traveled by rental car to travelled to Santiago first. Driving on a downtown street they hear some jazz coming from a building and after a quick investigation discovered the music school in Santiago and found Carlos Millares and David Varilles practicing. Jaming in Santiago

The next school was in Cienfuegos named after the Cuban musical contemporary of Frank Sinatra, Benny Moré.Cienfuegos

Then on to Havana and meeting up with the JD Mitchell to collect instruments that were shipped there for donation. JD Mitchel

Tony Rodriguez playing on the piano that came down by ship. Tony with Piano

Los Primos makes the connection with the Cuban National Centre for Arts Schools, CNEArteCNEArte