Los Primos 50/50 Raffle Winner (Jan 03, 21)

Submitted byJeff Goodspeed onWed, 6 Jan 2021 - 9:20 am

On January 3rd Los Primos made a draw for the winner of our first on-line 50/50 raffle. On the 3rd day of each month we will select the winner at the Cottage Café in Dartmouth, at 7:00pm. This month our raffle partner was the Nova Scotia Youth Jazz Orchestra, and Los Primos will split its share of the raffle proceeds 50/50 with NSyJo. Los Primos Raffle 01_21 

Los Primos Win a Trip for 4 to Cuba - Winner

Submitted byJeff Goodspeed onMon, 4 Mar 2024 - 5:27 pm

We are excited to announce that the winner of the Trip for 4 to Cuba this year is ...

Mellisa McCarthy of East Chezzetcook ! Congratulations Mellisa !

We held our annual Dance for All Ages at the Mic Mac Amateur Aquatic Club on Lake Banook on Saturday March 2 where we drew the winning ticket. It was an amazing night with stellar performances from the NS Honour Jazz "Funk Unit", the NSCC Latin Ensemble "Groovera and the Back Alley Big Band Featuring Augusto Enriquez, Josh Robinson, Ali Enriquez and Adina Fraser. 

Chronicle Herald Article Featuring Jeff

Submitted byEric Cestnick onMon, 27 May 2019 - 11:50 pm

Jazz musician Jeff Goodspeed creates harmony between Nova Scotia, Cuba

Jeff playing sax in front of some students

A veteran Halifax musician has been promoting harmony between the music scenes in Nova Scotia and Cuba for more than two decades. Jeff Goodspeed has enjoyed an enviable career as a composer, arranger, saxophonist, flautist and woodwind player. 

See the full article at https://www.thechronicleherald.ca/living/the-novascotian/jazz-musician-jeff-goodspeed-creates-harmony-between-nova-scotia-cuba-316059/


Satellite Primos 2019-20

The Los Primos Project has been offering small ensembles classes for 20 years. Motivated students, rehearsing in small ensembles directed  by Jeff Goodspeed, and other professional musicians, learn to play music in all styles and learn to improvise with ease. When the first few groups from our project went to Cuba, they became known as the Canadian Primos. They went on to gain notoriety from their standing-ovation performances at the Atlantic Jazz Festival and their energetic dance sets at the Dance for All Ages.