HavanaFax plays Silvio Rodriguez at the Music Room

Submitted byJeff Goodspeed onThu, 27 Feb 2014 - 10:07 am

Augusto Enríquez' 3-CD tribute to the great Cuban singer songwriter Silvio Rodríguez, provided the music for this concert at the music room in Halifax. HavanaFax at the Music Room





Avi Garcia (bass) and Jorge Chicoy were in Halifax to perform at the Dance for All Ages. Avi and Chicoy music roomTogether with Jeff Goodspeed (sax, flute, EWI) and Silvio Pupo (piano/keyboards) they put together a tribute to this work of passion that Augusto invested 4 years of his life into. Silvio with Keyboards

Kristen Wells and Liz McMillan provided some backing vocals and Chuck Bucket sat in on percussion. HavanaFax on Stage Music Room